Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mark it zero, dude!

Who really pulls a muscle bowling, let alone a hamstring? This guy! No, not the guy in the picture, me, last night, bowling. Good god! At least I beat my wife two out of three games (side note, she usually kicks my ass. Badly.) so all is not bad. For a guy whose only real goal is to break 100 each game, I did well. Almost bowled a turkey (three strikes in a row) to win a turkey too. That would have given me two turkeys won in a week (won the one turkey at the Turkey Trot Saturday)

So because I did "cross training" with a bowling ball, I didn't get to pull off my brick this morning with a run to PT, then to the gym and bike for 45 minutes, so might be behind the 8 ball in the Challenge Cairns (CC).

So guess I better heal up and HTFU and get a double in on Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day to everyone, now, go out and run! Gotta make room for dessert!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

About the Challenge Cairns

Well I have been putting this off for a bit (writing about it, not doing the challenge), so here goes! I guess there is no off season and after reading a post on, I signed up for the Challenge Cairns, which is basically a challenge to do 36 "sessions" over a month time frame for 2 months (from 31 October to 31 December). A "session" consists of either a 3 mile run, a 12 mile bike, or a 1200 yard swin, at a minimum. Each session of like items must be seperated by 1 hour in between (run followed by a run), but brick workouts (swim/bike/run) can be counted.

So in theory, sounds simple, but in actuality, it means a day skipped is a double later in the week! It is good motivation to get out an do a session, even if it is a "check the box" run or ride, but it really is a good gut check, especially here in Kansas.

The weather here is up and down daily, mainly down with either snow, rain, wind or cold, so that means long rides outside are hard to come by, and running becomes a chore. I would have to say that more than half of my sessions to date are indoor (treadmill / trainer), which add to the mental aspects of the challenge. To date, I am at 23 of 36 sessions this month, with 8 days left, you do the math, I need doubles each day until the end of the month to hit my 36, egads! But I also have next month too, which I need to bank some sessions in December. Which is very do-able!

I will update this a few times a week, so you can keep track, or better yet, get on ST and join the challenge at mid challenge!

See you later, and keep running!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I ain't dead yet...

All, I have been just without internet, not dead! But at least I am continuing to train! BTW, moving really throws you off your game. My wife and I moved from Fort Bragg, NC to Fort Riley, KS, and we now have our house settled down and my indoor training room set up (with a desktop to run my movies and music, niiice!), but the weather here is very weird. One day it is 70, the next, an 1" of snow.

But I will fill everyone in on my extended "off season", the Challenge Cairnes (very cool idea), and possible races this winter. Just a teaser of things to come, now if I can just get internet in my house!

See you all shortly,