Friday, January 27, 2012

Well, at least it's Friday, so I got that going for me...

This isn't me, but really how I feel!

Well, at least it is Friday.  Work here has been interesting, but working from 7 in the morning until 8 each night, especially when it is dark when i get to work and dark when I get home really makes it hard to get a good run in.  I did get to slip away at lunch on day for a nice 5 miler, but that is about it.  but you know the funny part, I've lost like 4 pounds this week.  It must be all the running up and down stairs this week!  My "office" is supposed to be 4 folks strong, but right now it is just me, which means I am always moving about the building, which I guess isn't a bad thing after all.  Less time in front of a computer = more movin' and groovin'!

But I have a nice couple of runs lined up, a nice 10 miler on Saturday, and I am going to run my first virtual race on Sunday, the "Freeze your Thorns Off 5K".  This is put on by "The Boring Runner" and ought to be fun!  I'll even add in a little two mile cooldown to make it a nice afternoon run.

Well I am off again to roam the building again, looking for my next "stair master" workout!  Hope your Friday is going better than mine!

I'll try to lighten the mood later with some funny photos, or something!

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